Beginning of ISM Learning
During ISM, I created my “brand image” over the past couple of weeks. This includes my work on my LinkedIn page, drafting a resume, curating my mission statement a quote I relate to, and beginning to look at articles in my field of interest. In addition, I also participated in an introduction speech.
In the past week, we formed a LinkedIn account for contact with professionals we might meet from our aspired career paths. On this page, I included my work experience, my volunteering experience, my mission for ISM, and a general description of myself and my topic for this year.
I also began drafting my resume this past week and developed a professional introduction in which I can showcase who I am to potential mentors. I included a professional image of me, my work experience, recommenders, strengths, accomplishments, and activities I’m involved in.
Introduction Speech
In the beginning days of our ISM class, we gave a speech about ourselves. I mentioned things about myself, such as the activities I’m involved in and how they’ve developed me, my topic for ISM, my goals for this year and the future, and some personal interests, such as my family and friends. Participating in this speech continually developed my professional speaking skills in front of my peers and teacher.
Finalizing Resume and Professional Ou
During ISM this week, we submitted our first annotated bibliography, finalized our resume, and submitted a video regarding our professional dress attire.
Annotated Bibliography
For my annotated bibliography, I began by researching the numerous problems found in both the emergency medicine field and the trauma medicine field because I am still deciding on my topic between the two. I researched 5 articles mostly focusing on misdiagnosis in the emergency department due to the stress and pressure put on the physicians to get a diagnosis rapidly. I found a common statistic that around 16% of patients who come into the emergency room are misdiagnosed, most with multiple traumas. I also researched the increasing crowding of the emergency room and what the hospital and doctors can do to avoid overcrowding while providing adequate care. I researched problems with removing foreign bodies in an emergency department, which raises numerous problems. Still, I noted that there were multiple different ways to get these foreign bodies out, such as endoscopically, which usually happens. Some were treated medically, and some required surgery. Lastly, I researched the errors in imaging patients in the emergency room, the problems that come with visual interpretation, and identifying specific characteristics found on a scan.
Finalized Resume
With the help of peer reviews and visual edits, I finalized my resume by adding my LinkedIn profile and making it overall visually appealing.
Professional Dress Attire
This week, we submitted a video regarding our professional dress attire, including a nice blouse, a blazer, dress pants, and heels that are professional but also able to walk around during interviews.
Getting Ready for Business Symposium
This past week in ISM, I was focused on narrowing down my topic for our upcoming business symposium, preparing for our business symposium, and starting to understand what to include in my website.
Topic Proposal
With the help of my research and my understanding of my desired career, I narrowed down the topic I could use for my business symposium and the rest of the year. I decided to study misdiagnosis in trauma medicine. This decision took some time to land on because I was and am still debating which field I should go into, either emergency medicine or trauma medicine, which are both very similar but very different at the same time. For one, I love the fast-paced environment present in both fields. I decided to go with Trauma Medicine to build a patient bond that isn’t as defined in emergency medicine with rapid treatment. I narrowed my topic to the misdiagnosis in the field, but I am still debating that. I settled on misdiagnosis because that was the field I researched the most in past assignments while also finding it interesting.
Business Symposium
This upcoming Wednesday, we have our business symposium, where we can practice interviewing with professionals and networking with fellow ISM students and professionals. I spent a little time last week and will do more in the next two days preparing for the event. I made sure my resume looked professional and held all important information, and I printed some resumes I could hand to professionals in case of need. I also ensured my LinkedIn account ran without issues in preparation for networking. Lastly, I ensured my professional dress was ready without any issues.
This past week, we began to discuss what to include in our websites and which sites to use to build them. I decided to use Wix and looked at the templates I could use.
Business Symposium, Contact Log, and Origional Work
Business Symposium
Last Wednesday, October the 9th, I attended the Frisco ISD ISM business symposium. I learned tremendous amounts during this period, we participated in interviews, networking between other ISM students, and informational presentations about ISM. To start off, I participated in two interviews with professionals. My first interview I learned a variety of things relating to how I can improve my resume to how I can get involved in my topic choice. The man who interviewed me had numerous different careers in his lifetime and I found that very interesting. He had been a teacher, a data analyst, and currently getting his PhD at UTD which I found very interesting because I have a personal relationship as my dad attended UTD for his doctorate as well. My second interviewer was a criminalist and worked for Frisco PD. I learned a lot from this interview on how to go about seeing if i’m able to work in trauma medicine to begin with but also with how I can improve my resume and showcase my talents.
Original Work
This past week we also had our original work proposal due which allowed me to use the knowledge I have collected over the past 9 weeks into an idea for a product that could show these discoveries. Specifically, I am researching and showcasing my knowledge of Venous Thromboembolism and the effect Pharmacological Prophylaxis has on curing VTE in different situations. As I described in my proposal, I plan to make a step by step “how to” guide for trauma doctors on how to treat VTE under different circumstances. I also plan to make a model of how VTE effects the body with a sample patient “John Doe”.
Contact Log
This week we are starting our contact log and beginning to schedule interviews. I plan to research about trauma doctors of any sort in the area or an emergency medicine professional as well since they are similar. I plan to keep a log of every professional I cold call, email, or contact and their response to best evaluate who I can contact for research interviews or a possible mentor.
Finalizing Website, Beginning to Reach Out, & Continued Research
Finalizing Website
These past two weeks I was primarily focused on developing my website to showcase my research and about me pages. I created a cover page which covered a professional picture of me, my quote for the year, and a place where professionals can reach out. I also created an about me, an about ISM, a place for my blogs, and a place for research/projects and mentors. I created all of this on a theme with navy and light blue which pertains to my topic of study, medicine.
Beginning to Reach Out
Starting last week we began to reach out to professionals by cold calling, cold emailing, etc. I began doing this by researching about the trauma/ emergency doctors, surgeons, and nurses in my area and ways I could reach out to them. I began reaching out to around 15 but I have not heard back from them yet. I will continue to reach out to professionals in my field in my surrounding areas and hopefully get a couple interviews scheduled.
Continued Research
Last week I made some discoveries related to my topic of Trauma/Emergency medicine including the effect that venous thromboembolism has in the Emergency setting and how Pharmacological Prophylasis can affect the recovery process with different administration and timing of different drugs. I am continuing to research these discoveries in this upcoming week.
Continuing Research and Contacting
Over this past week I have made a couple of advancements in both my research and my contacting of professionals in my field. I have also begun to prepare for my research speech which will be happening next week.
Since this past week I have made a couple of new discoveries throughout my research in the topic of venous thrombosis and specifically how to prevent it from happening in trauma situations. I learned a couple of regulations that are used throughout the process of identifying VTE. Specifically, I learned about the RAP or Risk Assesment Profile score which is based on a number of factors among visiting the emergency room such as age and injury factors. Another interesting fact I found was that VTE is the leading cause of preventable trauma death.
Throughout this last week I have struggled trying to contact professionals in my field. I am continuing to reach out through this next week and hopefully will get an interview scheduled soon.
Research Speech
Next week, I will be presenting my speech over what I have learned so far in front of my class. I hope that through this I can convey the information I have learned and how it pertains to my aspired field. I also hope that through this I can continue to develop my professional speaking skills.
Research Speech & Continued Assessments
This upcoming week we are going to give research speeches to our class about what we have learned and we are going to submit a research/ interview assessment.
Research Speeches
This friday I will present my speech about my research so far and my contacting with professionals so far this semester. In my speech I will mention the research I have done already pertaining to venous thrombosis and treatments for this medical disturbance in trauma situations. I hope to convey the impact it has on all trauma situations because it’s the leading cause of preventable trauma death. I will also mention the potential of changing my topic from truama medicine to a Physician's Assistant. Through this speech I will hopefully improve my public speaking as well and get more comfortable talking about my topic in front of people since we have our research showcase coming up soon.
Over the next couple of days I will continue to research more about my topic in venous thrombosis and combine all of my information into a presentation and speech I can give in front of my class. Through this I will also be able to write an assessment about my new findings and how it continues my idea of trauma medicine.
Research, Showcase, and Reaching Out
This friday we are going to present our research and findings to our peers. Over the past 2 months we have kept developing our research and also continued reaching out to professionals in our fields.
I have continued to research about Venous Thoromboembolism (VTE) and specifically continued developing my knowledge on my original work so I am prepared for our research showcase coming up. I have also began to work on my final project which is going to be a 3D model of how VTE affects the body, and specifically related to my example case that I talked about in my original work. I have just begun getting used to the software I intend to use to create the model but I hope by the end of the month/ early next month I have begun to develop my model and have a better understanding of what exactly I want to show through modeling.
Last week, I developed my presentation board which includes QR codes to my research, original work, and website along with my quote, mission statement, and a brief overview of my original work.
Reaching Out
I have reached out to a couple more potential professionals, but I have generally had no responses so I am going to continue reaching out while still developing my research.
Research Showcase, Interviews, & Mentor
This past week, we held our Research Showcase, and I am in the process of getting my mentor's approval.
Research Showcase
Last Tuesday, we held our Research Showcase, which was a fantastic experience. I got to present the research I have worked on for 6 months to my family and friends. I learned so much from this experience, from explaining my research and findings to strangers to learning from my ISM peers. I learned about the variety of topics and careers that could be chosen through ISM, and I also learned more about how to speak to strangers about what I have learned and teach them the knowledge I’ve gained!
Over this past month, I have gotten two excellent and incredibly informative interviews! They were both ER nurses, and I learned a lot about the ER and their typical workday, how they manage a work-life balance, and more.
I am in the process of getting my mentor approved, which is extremely exciting! We are working through a few tweaks, but I should be able to start attending mentor visits soon and learning more about the ER!